Sardhara Bhagvat Bharatbhai


ThakkarbapaNagar Approach

Urban Intersection namely ThakkarbapaNagar Approach is 6 legged intersection with 52 no. of conflict point located in North-East of Ahmedabad passing through NH-8.  With keeping in mind Accident, Speed and Pavement Data the overall improvement of the Intersection was carried out by making necessary changes like movement restriction, geomtrical changes, signal time changes, creating circulatory motion by providing medians in the center which allows BRTS lanes to pass in between. Overall the Level of Service that is 'C' for existing is been updated to 'B' by this changes. Click for PortFolio

Report Content

Introduction about site

About Traffic Congestion

Study Area Map

Peak Hour issues

Accident Analysis

Speed data Analysis

Traffic Volume Count & Analysis

As Built Drawing

Proposed Drawing

Signages and Safety Drawing