
Faculty: Subin Jameel

Architecture of the Digital – Speculations through Digital thinking

The DRP aims to understand the role of digital tools as a conceptual device rather than a technical one, where they are used as new ways of thinking and making rather than a mere tool for efficiency. The DRP revolves around the advent of digital mediums and their aesthetic and formal consequences within architecture.

The research questions contemporary modes of digital processing and how it is being implemented in academia as well as practice. The research will consider the Paperless Studio (by Bernand Tschumi) in Columbia (1995) as a seminal starting point within the timeline of the “Digital in Architecture”, where all analogous tools and paper were famously removed from the studio space, thereby only using computers to communicate and produce architectural discourse. The research breaks away from the archaic notion that "plan is the generator of form" and understand workflows that move beyond the limitations of simple orthographic projections. These workflows shed light on the opportunities that are not possible through traditional means of making. The research will continue onto documenting techniques like advanced mesh modelling, physics simulations, ideation through machine learning and break away from our traditional understanding of making. Speculations around these mediums, their possible manifestations and consequences within architecture will be understood during the course of the DRP.