
Faculty: Ruchi Mehta

Branded Environments Design: Spatial Design and Customer Behavior

Design of retail spaces play a very crucial role as spatial design has the power to influence customer behavior and has a direct impact on the return of investment for a retailer.
Retail brands that operate in these spaces, are living, thriving and constantly evolving enterprises and so are their customers. This puts all the design strategies in a constant state of check. For retail space designers, it is thus important to have an in-depth understanding of evolving nature of context and brands and their target audiences.
This study with customer behavior in focus, will sensitivize a designer into customer
psychology and check the impact of design strategies to inform their future design decisions. It will enable them to make informed and strategic design decisions. This study can be carried out by mapping customer behavior in retail spaces and checking if the intended spatial organization, visual merchandizing and ambience strategies are persuasive and yielding the desired result and communicating the desired brand image.

Directed Research Project

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