Kankal Madhura Rajendra Vaishali



This project aims to investigate the impact of participatory governance through Advanced Locality Management (ALM) in improving the quality of life in Mumbai's neighborhoods. The research explores the role of ALMs in collaboration with ward committees and the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) in addressing local issues and providing feedback on local governance. The findings suggest that ALMs can serve as a successful model for participatory governance, enabling citizens to be active partners in managing their communities. However, challenges such as lack of citizen participation, inadequate resources, and inclusivity remain a concern. The project emphasizes the need for greater citizen engagement and collaboration with local authorities to promote effective participatory governance.

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Report Content

Introduction, aim and scope of research

Legislation enabling participation in Mumbai

Advanced locality management and interview insights

Summary of citizen survey

Gap analysis

Reccomendation 1: Awareness Campaign

Reccomendation 2: Comprehensive ALM manual

Reccomendation 3: Integration of Slum ALM and Dattak Vasti Yojna

Reccomendation 4: Integration of ALM and ward committee
