Dipasha Rathod


The Social Thoroughfare

When we think of "streets," we envision bustling highways and busy roads with vehicles whizzing by. The project aims to redefine a city's primary public space, the street, with a fresh perspective, transforming it into a vibrant hub where people can actively participate in social interactions rather than merely using it for transportation.. However, due to the increasing volume of vehicles and the presence of vendors, the areas within Ahmedabad's enclosed walls have become congested and crowded. 
The design strives to reimagine, preserve, and revive the historical essence of Ahmedabad by introducing social gathering spots. The primary objective is to prioritize pedestrians and re-organize the congestion caused by layers of contested vendors, Vehicles & Pedestrians, encouraging people to venture out from their pols and reclaim the streets as vibrant public spaces again. 

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