
Faculty: Aasim Mansuri

Climate and WASH services: Mitigation and Adaptation approaches using energy transitions

The ongoing decade is the decisive decade of ‘climate action’. While every sector has an important role to play in the large picture, a focus on the water and sanitation sector will generate large co-benefits besides just emission mitigation and recovery. For the first time in COP 26, WASH sector was also a part of the climate conversation. WASH are the basic services provided by the Urban Local Bodies. In many cities, the sanitation services/ operations are provided through fossil fuel-based energy source, which leads to high carbon emissions and consequently has adverse impacts on climate. Moving towards non-fossil based / renewable energy sources for WASH operations will help reduce carbon emission and help cities to become financially sustainable. The proposed DRP aims to conduct a detailed literature study on how these services can help in mitigating the emission levels. It will focus on one of the cities of Maharashtra. The city will be decided based on the consultation with DRP guides. The study will identify technology options, renewable energy sources which can be used for the WASH services in the city. This study will act as a base study for many similar small and medium cities of India.

Student DRP