
Faculty: Khelan Modi

Applicability of ZEV mandates for Freight Vehicles in India

The Indian road freight sector is expected to grow fourfold by 2050 (NITI Aayog). Zero emission freight vehicle offer a compelling alternative to transform freight sector while they are economically efficient, good for public health, and environment friendly. Strategy of adoption of targeted zero emission vehicle (ZEV) regulations shall accelerate rate of deployment of electric vehicles. Detailed study needs to be undertaken to understand role of ZEV mandates in freight electrification adopted in developed countries and opportunities to use similar policy intervention in Indian context. Key technological and investment challenges need to be identified and possible solutions needs to be discussed. Post understanding characteristics of Indian freight sectors, applicability to be accessed to understand what are opportunities and challenges for implementing ZEV mandates to achieve India’s “Net Zero” commitments. Understanding key policy/program elements and implementation experiences of global ZEV mandate policies can then guide ZEV program design to be appropriate and contextual for the Indian market. Thereafter, an implementation roadmap for identified early moving freight sector to be suggested