Suthar Yash Prakashbhai



The studio aims at developing city-wide housing strategy to improve access and expand the choice of affordable, decent and resilient housing for all income groups. E2 sub strategy focuses on optimizing transaction time and cost while converting land to built space. high transaction cost and time increase the overall dwelling unit price. the portfolio covers the complexity at every stages that are involved in the process from most complex to most simplest scenario. the reform and recommendation need to optimize the process and resulted into dwelling unit price reduction. 

Report Content

Introduction to studio: Aim and Objective

Stage 1: Situation assessment- Demographic, Spatial and Economic Trends

Positioning of sub-strategy

Problem statement and stake holder mapping

Current Framework

In-depth analysis of stage 1 to 5

In-depth analysis of stage 5 to 10

Identifying the major flows and overlaps in the process and case study in different city

Case study in the context of Vadodara city to understand the present scenario

Reforms and recommendation to optimize the transaction process and reduction in dwelling unit price