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  • UT4003
  • Travel Demand Model Analysis | Surat - 2043

Bhanpurawala Quresh Muderbhai


Travel Demand Model Analysis | Surat - 2043

This studio aims to teach students the Strategic Urban Transportation Plan and its Preparation Process. Undertake a baseline assessment of different transport sub-systems & identify issues. Based on a long-term vision & objectives set out, develop alternative scenarios with varying strategy mixes. The portfolio also discusses the process of travel demand assessment for the horizon year 2043 for Surat City and expected traffic flows for that year using EMME model outputs. Finally, the portfolio compares traffic flows and travel demand by 2 groups.

Report Content

Preface & Contents

Surat | Connectivity and City Profile

Existing Road Network

Existing Public Transport

Surat City Travel Pattern

Travel Demand Assessment | 2023

Growth Distribution, Vision & Strategies

Scenario Comparison | 2043

Key Learnings