Saksham Gupta


Placemaking for people-Elements of Urban Design

The course throughout the semester, delves deep into the understanding of urban design and its realm.  We were tasked with primarily identifying specific urban projects and their impact on the city. Then we explored various possibilities of representing an urban context and various sub-parameters influencing it and then concluded upon creating a public open space that could consist of having an impact on the city as a whole and also exhibits the characteristics of replication for other cities. It was a brainstorming exercise from selecting a project to stakeholder engagement to intervention. It is here we explored various constructional executions  

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Poster illustrating the present condition of metro in today's Jaipur city

Spatially locating the urban block

Urban block representation and study

Site identification

Activity mapping and demarcating people's needs

Proposal (Before v/s After)

Delving deeper into constructional details

Detailing out the vegetation and planter specification which are contextual appropriate

End result