Aditya Ladha


Veil of Lost Time

The project unfolds as a translucent curtain, a threshold between the present and the sacred. Sitting in front of the gargantuan Ibrahim Rauza, the project lays low, as to not hurt the sentiments of the majestic monument. Without realizing, the project pulls you in, and as one moves through its contemplative spaces — an inviting library, serene meeting rooms, and a soothing hammam — each step draws you closer to the monumental Ibrahim Rauza. It is not just a building, but a journey, a delicate transition from the mundane to the monumental, where knowledge, gathering, and rest converge.

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Reimagined Gardens of Azam and Muazzam Khan in Vasna, Ahmebadad. Final Composition 4x4.

Reassembling Bijapur. The City of Bijapur was redesigned on the principles of organization seen in Nathdwara, Rajasthan.

Quick sketches made during the site visit to Bijapur, Karnataka, using charcoal and graphite.

Process of spatial organization in plans and sections using manual collage making.

Final Collages.

Resolving the design through model making.

Design Iterations. Translating the collage and model into drawings.

Site Plan

Part of the final composition : Plan at +1500 and North Elevation.

Final Composition : Hand Drafted 6x3 Panel. Mediums Used : Charcoal, Graphite and Ink.