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  • STUDIO FURNITURE for CEPT University

Parthiv Sharadbhai Shah



DESIGN BRIEF"To Design a Micro-Environment within the studio which stimulates WORK Emotion, Triggers WORK Instinct, Motivates WORK Quality and Facilitates WORK Delivery.  Should be attributed as mini-Studio - COCOON - which Generates "ALONE WITH EVERYONE" comfort and Results in Metamorphosis."
The Aim was to design a group of furniture pieces for Design studios at CEPT - which are complementary, supports Drafting, Working on Laptop, reading books, taking references / notes simultaneously. This also takes care of students' needs of secure and temporary storage and display. This subtle and flat-packed system also facilitates customization and add-on components in collaborative environment.

Report Content

Cuddle Cut - Draws one into the work environment - Tactile interface is Natural

Designed for Disassembly - convenience in transportation - CSK Allen bolts and Tempered nuts

Wooden Leg-insert

Final Product with Existing Stool

Final Model - Generated on RHINO

insert is TEAK - Top is of PINE


In Action

That's me...