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  • TECHRIAL- A Material Research Innovation Centre

Yashasvi Rajul Patel


TECHRIAL- A Material Research Innovation Centre

Techrial- A facility that focuses on the material research and innovation, which is recently set up in Ahmedabad. The centre is technology driven as the various activities will be directly or indirectly dependent on technology. Inspiration from machine is taken to develop the orientation of spaces and partition system of the centre. Inter connectivity seen among several parts of machine which forms a system (input- process- output) is used to develop the design of the centre.

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This technology driven material research innovation centre takes inspiration from machine as technology and machine both have a common aim for making daily tasks and routine easy- which promotes innovation. 2D graphics were developed in order to understand the abstract idea of spaces

Process of deriving the partition system from converting 2D graphics into 3D models- both digitally and physically

The zoning in the layout is done keeping in mind the type of privacy each space will need i.e public, private and semi-private.

Sections 1

Sections 2

Sectional perspective view

Sequential diagrams depicting the process of developing the partition system

Exploded isometric view

Rendered views of spaces inside the centre

Rendered views of spaces inside the centre