Arkal Gayatri Shriniwas


NEXUS - The Connection

Nexus a connection between different age groups of people. This design is for an elderly couple and a small family which is connected through community spaces.  This community living provides different spaces with experiential qualities which include formal and informal. These community spaces are created by placing the pods at different levels with play of light. This design process includes a case study which is based on metabolism movement, THE LINK :

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Mix Media collage of Urbanization, with the major factors that lead to urbanization in Solapur.

Concealed place is a living pod inspired from retarding mechanism of tortoise

Empathy Mapping for Elderly Couple

Empathy Mapping for Small Family

Design Process of Nexus

Final design with site plan and sectional perspective that shows the connection between wing and the central core

Sectional perspective DD' with the elevation view of the pods and it’s connection with the central core

Sectional perspective CC' that shows the play of levels

Human activities specification at different times of a day

Exploded view of furniture with the details of experiential qualities