Sheth Mahek Anandbhai


Computed Caustics

Computed Caustics is a project that focuses on giving tangible forms to visualize light’s behavior. The project undergoes experimentation with compositions of light in its most natural form, that interact with reflective materials to produce caustics. It is data-driven project that calibrates between digital and physical experimentations.

Computational tools have been employed to further decode and reverse engineer complex caustics. This creates an immersive experience to witness the movement of light in time and space as it transitions into breathtaking states of caustics. 

Report Content

What are Caustics?, Workflow of the project.

Material Exploration

Types of Caustics

Experiment to test types of caustics obtained from change in distance of light source.

Generative Design Methods

Light Path Explorations

Working Drawings

Exploded Views, Contextual Render

Project Video