Nuzha Shafi


Beyond Extraction: A designer's Inquiry

This project is a three-fold speculative narrative: 01 > It follows a product designer’s professional evolution from an extractivist to a bio-scientist, and eventually to an ethno-futurist in a salvage-based economy. 02 > Through her journey, the project explores a timeline of products she engages with, showing the shifting practices in product design as society transitions from resource extraction to symbiotic to circular design principles.  03 > a reflective card deck was created for students and designers. It serves as a diagnostic tool for current product designers to question their outcomes and navigate the transition from extractivist to circular and symbiotic design approaches.

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Problematising Product Design as a Profession

World Building

Product Design: Future-scope

Narrative Journey

Timeline Evolution of Products

Mapping the Trajectory

Design Daignostic Deck

Design Daignostic Deck

Process/Reflection (Please refer to the link)