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Vanity and Time is a photographic exploration that delves into the complex relationship between body image, self-perception, and personal history, using jewellery as a symbolic medium. The project seeks to unravel how societal pressures, personal insecurities, and cultural influences shape one’s view of their own body over time. By turning to jewellery, a form of adornment that is sizeless and inherently inclusive,this project explores memories and emotions tied to self-image, moving through a journey of sadness, acceptance, and self-reclamation. Each memory is anchored by a piece of jewellery, serving as a reminder of specific places or people. These items provide a context for each experience while also acting as an anchor. The emotions explored in this project are drawn from different stages of life, but they are intentionally presented without a set chronology, reflecting the fluid and non-linear nature of personal growth and self-perception.