Shubham Vishwanath Dalvi


Understanding Prahlad Nagar

This project explores the precinct of Prahlad Nagar, Ahmedabad, as part of the foundation course at CEPT University. It delves into urban dynamics, examining parameters like land use, built form, street interface, accessibility, public open spaces, and socio-economic interactions. The study aims to uncover the precinct's spatial character, urban design principles, and functionality, providing a comprehensive understanding of its planning framework. Insigths were drawn through detailed mapping, data analysis, and fieldwork, offering critical reflections on urban systems and their implications for livability and inclusivity.

Report Content

Overview of Prahlad Nagar with schematic views, landmarks and conceptual maps.

Built typologies, landuse patterns and nature of mixed-use developments in the precint.

Mapping key urban parameters, including land values, block perimeters and walkability audits.

Land-use zoning, public space access and catchment analysus for infrastructure.

Active edges and visual documentation of key streets and intersections.

Spatial relationship between different block sizes and streets.

Public transport catchment mapping and traffic analysis

Open space analysis with a focus on public and private accessibility.

Frontages and its engagement with the street and pedistrian activity.

Frontages and its engagement with the street and pedistrian activity.