Ketki Bochare


NAVCHETNA-Empowering Communities

The redevelopment of Paras Nagar is anchored in sustainability and community engagement, prioritizing proper seating for vendors to ensure their comfort and smooth pedestrian flow. Green spaces are preserved and upgraded into welcoming walkways, fostering unity among residents. Cultural and spiritual sites like the temple are enhanced to deepen community bonds, with added seating, greenery, and water features creating serene spaces not only on the ground but also on upper floors for contemplation. Ultimately, the project aims to create a harmonious environment that promotes social interaction, connectivity, and a sense of belonging for all residents.

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Report Content

Existing Site Documentation

Physical Attributes of Existing Site

Mapping Stakeholders and Vending Activity

Individual Inferences and Analysis of Site

EVolution of the proposal through Mapping, Strategies and Abstraction

Proposed Master plan for the Site

Part plan and Typical Floor Plan Exploded

Sections and Comparison of Existing VS New Master Plan

Axonometric View and Physical Attributes of Proposed Plan

3D View of the Proposed ActivIties and Enhancement of Market