Mythili Susarla


Clues of Time

Dynamic events of a temporal transect A forest is undergoing dynamic changes constantly. Temporality in a forest refers to how time shapes the forest. It refers to phenomena involving soil, water, vegetation and biological processes such as seasonal deciduous tree leaf fall, growth of plants, movement of fauna, infestation and decay, etc. Any changing phenomenon has a significance on its setting and over a period of time, has an impact on its surrounding elements. Phulwari ki Naal is a semi-arid tropical dry deciduous forest with the Wakal river playing a vital role in it. I have studied one typical riparian transect across the ‘Five rock’ formation, observing the contrasting changes in the opposite banks and the impact of the dynamic floodplain on the same.

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Drawing the Landscape Dry deciduous scrub and thorny forest (Wildscapes around Ahmedabad)

Recording the Landscape Tropical dry deciduous forest, Southern extension of Aravallis, Phulwari-ki-Nal Sanctuary

Correlating Systems Understanding the various attributes of the systems through forest sections

Larger Visions, One Forest Identifying and developing a lens to decode the forest, elaborating on a phenomenon or a process

Larger Visions, One Forest Identifying and developing a lens to decode the forest, elaborating on a phenomenon or a process

Larger Visions, One Forest Identifying and developing a lens to decode the forest, elaborating on a phenomenon or a process

Larger Visions, One Forest Identifying and developing a lens to decode the forest, elaborating on a phenomenon or a process

Larger Visions, One Forest Identifying and developing a lens to decode the forest, elaborating on a phenomenon or a process

Recreate/Reimagine Moulding and processing the lens further on a site which is a threshold to the forest.

Recreate/Reimagine Moulding and processing the lens further on a site which is a threshold to the forest.