Bansal Shweta Pramod


Water as sculptor

My journey, "Water sculpting rocks," is a testament to the profound interplay of rocks and water, molding the captivating landscapes of Phulwari Ki nal. Season after season, the river carves its mark into the rocky riverbanks, creating a geological tapestry that records the river's timeless impressions in the bedrock. These intricate patterns become visible when water is not present during different seasons, unveiling a dynamic story of the ever-changing relationship between water and stone in Phulwari Ki nal. Stories are unveiled etched in stone, authored by the ever-moving hand of water, and explore the future of this mesmerizing ecological system.

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Drawing the Landscape

Recording the Landscape

Co-relating Systems

Larger Visions, One Forest-Decoding systems of forests to understand water as sculptor.

Larger Visions, One Forest-Understanding process of sculpting rocks by water through years at mid-slope in mixed dense dry deciduous forest.

Larger Visions, One Forest-Understanding process of sculpting rocks by water through years at cave in mixed dense dry deciduous forest.

Larger Visions, One Forest-Decoding riverine forests to understand water as sculptor.

Larger Visions, One Forest-Understanding process of sculpting rocks by water through years at mid-slope in riverine forest.

Larger Visions, One Forest-conclusion


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