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  • Ahmedabad GPO - A Case of Twentieth Century Heritage

Lakshmi R


Ahmedabad GPO - A Case of Twentieth Century Heritage

The General Post office of Ahmedabad was studied as a part of the studio. It is a twentieth century building with Grade II/A, designed by George Wittet in 1920  and built in 1928. The studio process started with recording the building followed by condition mapping and assessment. Significance of the building that was understood in course of time is that the building is an important example of amalgamation of British architecture with Indian elements and the use of then new material, Reinforced Cement Concrete. The addition of a new extension to the building in the recent years and the continuous rearrangement of the spaces with thoughtless additions is a threat to significance. The intent of the proposal is to revive the spatial quality by suggesting structural repairs and  working out spatial reorganization that lies hidden within. It aims to uphold the significance of the building's aesthetics and structure through a holistic approach.

Report Content

Introduction, Building as Evidence - Archival Study

Postal System in India, Photo Documentation, Measured Drawing - Plan

Measured Drawing - Elevations and Sections

Condition Mapping and Assessment, Significance Assessment

Conservation Policy, Spatial Analysis

Spatial Analysis, Spatial Issues

Removal Plan, Treatment

Zoning - Building, Zoning - Site

Spatial Reorganization Plan and Sections

Proposed Visualizations, Intervention Details, Conservation Management Plan