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  • Architectural Conservation: General Post Office

Prakul Sardana


Architectural Conservation: General Post Office

The Ancillary Building within the General Post Office campus was constructed in 1959 to accommodate staff quarters and later in 1967 was adapted as Mail Motor service. The structure since then adopted several functional changes within its envelop barring its original spatial planning. The newly added functions and services to the structure had an impact over its values and condition over the time. The idea of this project was to record, document and undergo a thorough process of value and condition assessment in order to identify the best approach for conservation while detailing out the design proposal.

Report Content

I. Site Introduction

II. Photo Documentation

III. Historic Timeline

IV. Condition Mapping

V. Condition Assessment

VI. Identifying Stake Holders and Conservation Approach

VII. Adaptive Reuse and Site Issues

VIII. Proposal Drawings: Floor Plans

IX. Proposal Drawings: Sections

X. Elevations and Views