Rutuja Ravindrakumar


The Proustian Effect

Inspired by Mark Trieb's exploration of ruins and decayed magnificence, this project transforms machinery remnants into a mnemonic device within the material archive. Integrating access through stairs, pauses, and ramps across multiple levels, the design seamlessly incorporates the machinery into the transitionary elements. By drawing on materials and techniques, the intervention brings forth the building's cronocaos, echoing the chaos of time, while delicately respecting its sensitivity. In doing so, the project pays homage to the melancholy beauty found in the reflection on decayed magnificence, as eloquently expressed by William Shenstone.

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Contemporary Imagination of Redundant BUildings

The Proustian Effect- Manifesto

condition drawings 01

condition drawings 02

condition drawings 03

Repair & Intervention-01

Repair & Intervention-02

Repair & Intervention-03

Repair & Intervention-04