Periwal Sneha


Forest Enclosures

Jaisamand wild life sanctuary lies in the foothills of the Aravalli’s, evolves through various system in forest. From dense to sparse or murky to bright ,these creates various degree of  enclosures which may differ from space in terms of quality of the space and experience in that space.  These dynamics are always in transition and changing constantly.. Hence ,the idea is to decode the forest through Nick robinsons’s theory of spatial experience of enclosure throughout journey and collate it to the typologies to find a rhythmic pattern forest might follow to bring out an experiential perspective. 

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Drawing landscape | Thol sketches

Reading and Recording landscape | Jaisamand

Coorelating systems

Decoding forest | Forest enclosures

Decoding forest | Analysing enclosure

Decoding forest | Rhythm of enclosures

Re-presenting forest | Journey and pause point

Re-presenting forest | Journey and pause point