Aastha Priyank Parmar


RE- collecting to RE- creating

 With process the design developed from the ideas which revolve around the notions of the body and the memories linked with it. The process began with the design of a hidden spot within a pit, evolved to the creation of a house for my childhood within the same pit, and ended with the design of a community space that arose above the pit. Through this design engagement, the concepts of isolation, intimacy, congregation, inhabitation, and space context were addressed, with a focus on the conversation between the body and its memories.

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Intuitive sketches seek representation of my memory.

My secret hide-out.

Recreating a decade old memories.

Neighborhood in which I grew up.

Routine of my childhood.

Orthographic drawings of my childhood home.

Various illustrations of my childhood home.

My community place.

Representation so my community place.

Peek inside spaces.