Kruti Desai


East Kolkata Wetlands

The project aims to identify and understand the embedded ecological systems of the East Kolkata Wetlands to appreciate, acknowledge and protect the commons that these traditional practices offer. East Kolkata Wetlands often referred to as the ‘Kidneys of East Kolkata’, located on the eastern periphery of Kolkata Metropolitan area are a vast network of man-made wetlands built and maintained by the traditional communities. These wetlands provide an efficient and eco-friendly system of solid waste and sewer treatment system for the city of Kolkata, habitat for waterfowl and housing for a large flora and fauna. Due to increasing pressure of urbanization, these embedded ecological systems of the wetland are at threat. Therefore, the objective of the study is to stop further deterioration of this natural system and to protect and develop resilience to maintain the original character of this common. A thorough understanding of the system and its people (the keepers of the system) has been put forward, to derive a vision that emphasizes on strengthening the communities and keeping them at the core of decision making. 

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Idea of commons I Communities and commons (resources) form symbiotic association with each other, which makes the commons thrive and survive. This relationship has been described in 3 layers. The resources form the base layer while the communities - the governing bodies form the top most layer. The middle layer represents the process of commoning driven by livelihood needs and intangible associations of the communities to the resource.

Introduction to East Kolkata Wetlands

Storyboard I First impression of the precinct I The storyboard narrates a tale two distinct communities the Biharis and the Bengalis and their economical as well as social engagement with the resources of the wetland. Two ecological system - the waste recycling system and the sewage water recycling system provide livelihoods to these two communities respectively. But at the same time places that hold potential socio-cultural interactions like the markets, grounds, Pukurs allow commoning between these distinct communities.

Understanding the ecological system I The external as well as internal urban pressures and anthropogenic activities result in breakage in the existing system. The systematic flow of resources is hampered, this breakage can evidently be seen on comparing the land-use map of 2004 to 2021 which shows 24% shrinkage in the area of the wetlands.

Economic engagement by communities I Understanding the Ecological system of solid waste recycling

Economic engagement by communities I Understanding the Ecological system of sewage water recycling

Socio cultural engagement by the communities I The places of exchange – the markets

Vision I To protect, revive and maintain the original character of these commons; by strengthening the communities both economically and socio culturally.

Spatial Stragies for revivinig commons

Conclusion I The study was started with the assumption that, to save the wetland it is necessary to save the people. After developing a systematic understanding of the way in which the ecological systems work and how the communities interact with these systems, a conclusion has been drawn to reformulate the principle as -save / strengthen the people to save the wetland.