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  • Sanskruti sankul - Reviving heritage and culture

Agawala Hardikkumar Naginbhai


Sanskruti sankul - Reviving heritage and culture

Located on the northern outskirts of the city, Kaligam has Rich history and heritage. Due to lack of tourist attention, it is almost in ruins. In kaligam, streets and nodes are the main links for culture & community to thrive and junctions for movement. The core strategy is to make The three-dimensional combination of forms and spaces, as seen in time and overtime that defines the character of any Communal gathering. The public realm in kaligam is the idea of space for positive interaction. It will provide space & the quality that is otherwise absent in a private realm. 

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Site introduction

Study area analysis

Stakeholders and community

Vision - strategies - program

Design ideas

Master plan

Design details

Design details

Design details

Journey through commuter's eye over days - seasons - Festivals