Rose Mary Sebastian


Live and Let Live

An Ecological Beach Front Development for Tourism and Environmental awareness. Munambam is a small beach bordered by the Periyar Estuary and the Arabian Sea. This beach is known for its scenic views which attract a lot of tourists. The beach which was once home to a wide variety of flora and fauna is now highly degraded and the species on the beach are affected by the tourism activities which are driving them to the verge of extinction. The lack of awareness is one of the driving factors of all these coastal and marine threats. The impact of the tourism sector on coastal biodiversity is increasing at an alarming rate. The project intends to use design interventions that encourage the tourism industry while also serving as a forum to raise awareness among tourists and locals about coastal life forms and their degradation in order to instill a sense of empathy and obligation toward all living beings around us, enabling us to learn to coexist.

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Introduction | Introducing the site, its Larger context and the need for an ecological design intervention

Human perceptions of beaches, which are mostly based on various recreational activities, demonstrates how unaware we are of the coastal environment and how our lack of knowledge and behavior are wreaking havoc on the coasts, driving many marine species to extinction.

Munambam beach, its immediate context and the major coastal features of the site such as the groynes, sand dunes, inter-tidal zone and the estuary, showcasing how the marine organisms varies in each of these zones.

Site conditions and Site analysis

Site Study | Topography and Vegetation

The various activities that were observed on site, as well as the concerns that these activities posed showcased the need for ecological design measures that gave importance to the flora and fauna of the area.

Concept development and the stages of design intervention intended on site.

With all the research and studies, zoning of the eco-sensitive areas of the site was done, which served as the base around which the entire design evolved.

Master Plan

Site Sections | The changes that can occur after the design intervention. Informatory sign board plays a major role, as they educate the visitors about the coastal problems and their impacts on the marine life forms.