Gandhi Karan Sameer



Play and learning are often compromised in urban-poor settlements, and the needs of  children neglected. This project is an attempt to negotiate a place for children in such a context where land and money are both scarce. The project is a self-sustaining urban intervention which through its playful nature and a Montessori approach of learning helps in overall growth of children. 
Initial stages included familiarizing with the community. Then, a user group was selected, in this case young children. A research question specific to the user group was used to lead to a program and design strategy which became to be play spaces of learning. With continuous involvement of the community, a system was resolved involving a billboard and open floor plans and a design was detailed.
Link to the complete portfolio. 

Report Content

Understanding the context of Shankar Bhuvan

Developing a Research Question: Inferences from community interactions

Understanding social upbringing through spatial means

Dreaming with the community

Developing nature of play

Designing a system

Understanding the place-making in Shankar Bhuvan

Elevation of the proposed intervention

Plan at ground level showcasing the activities and heightened place-making

Plan at top level showing the play spaces