Raju S B


Street Furniture

While looking  the Street benches of Ahmedabad one may ask the following questions , Does it solve the purpose of all kind of people? Does it provide pleasant atmosphere to relax? Does this have a proper shading device? Does it have a proper lighting at evening times? Is it maintained well? Does the material suit the climate? The answer is NO. Due to its improper orientation it is causing hindrance for the pedestrians. Old age, Blind and Differently able people are finding it difficult to use the space. Mostly men are found in this space due to its surroundings.

The placement of the street furniture should be based on their functions. Properly selected and placed furniture can make the people come to outdoor spaces and add to the pleasure of using these spaces.
 My main objective is to study the Street furniture at all six given sites with respect to its space and also to understand the physical, political and socio-economic aspect of the site through the lens of street furniture and come up with possible furniture designs with principle of grouping which can be implemented in various site conditions. 
This may lead to the betterment of the street and its informal activity.  

Report Content

Introduction & Street Benches at All six given sites

Activity and Problems

Orientation and issues


Shapes and Materials

Shapes and Materials

