
Faculty: Mili Parekh | Aditti Mittal kanoi

TA: Shivika Kakar

Hidden Prospects Under the Fly-Over

This Studio Focuses on Tapping the untapped, seeing the neglected and converting
these spaces into Spatial Design Opportunities.
Everywhere we turn our eyes in a urban setting we see flyovers in the name of
development. But along with these came wasteful, neglected adjacent/underneath
spaces full of opportunities.
Do we agree?
This studio will begin with an understanding of neglected residual spaces in an around
us. Further one will be given a live site to analytically derive opportunities around via
differen t methodologies like sketching, audio visual filming -analysis, mapping, zoning to
name a few. Abstract exercises in form of thesis – Anti thesis, hands on model making
will be conducted to extract the potential of the site in the given urban setting.
To enhance further understanding, lecture series will be conducted by industry experts
on sub-categories.
This course will ensure that one to gets hones their skill to look at Spaces and Places
with umpteen opportunities, to be able to analytically see a space in socio- reginal
context, to be able to propose a valid program which on an urban scale benefits the
Populus either economical of socially or culturally.

Studio Unit

Site Analysis | Pakwan and ShyamPrasad Mukherjee Flyover

Program Development | User tribe and Abstract Insert

Design Development | Plans, Elevations and Sections

Working Drawing and BOQ | Executive Proposal

Physical Model | Hands-on Explorations