Patel Bhumitkumar Arvind


Forest Tales

Forest space is complex and hidden under the dense canopy of trees. Glades provide contrasting landscape experiences, moving from dark to light, from enclosure to openness, from shade to sun. They are natural meeting places, dwelling places and stopping and picnic places with views of the sky and different flora thriving in the increased light. Plants are exploited for their particular visual qualities, dense twiggy from, arching slender growth, scarlet stems or icy blossom. The texture of plants draws people to touch them, to experience their downy leaves or fissured bark. Plant move in wind or when touched and therefore often create sound- the easeful susurration of reeds, grasses, corn fields and trees, the rhythm of rain beating on broad leaves. The scents vary, acrid to sweet, sickly, fruity, musky. People touch plants to emit their scent more strongly. The enormous pleasure of eating from forest. - Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture, Catherine Dee (Book)

Report Content

Vision of Forest

Image of the Forest

Analytical Site Plan


Master Plan

Unveiling Connectivity & Sections




Transformation of River Vishwamitri - Landforms & Vegetation