Anjali Anoop T



The site is located almost 8km from the busy Kottayam town. It is about 2km from the Kottayam medical college and is near to the nav Jeevan, a center for the physically disabled. The approach road to the site is 3m only and its the second house from the road. This approach road goes down to the paddy field which is about 3 plots after the site. The site is surrounded by residences and rubber plantation. With the tall trees and a rubber plantation guarding the site and a paddy field nearby , the site has a setting for a typical Kottayam village. The site already had a small building built in the traditional Kerala style which was retained and the new building was built aligned to the existing structure. The residence is for a family of 4 members and is used as a vacation home as they are currently settled in Kollam and visits rarely in a month. They have plans to settle in Kottayam within the next 2 years as the client and his family Is emotionally attached to this site since it is his father's native and also final resting place. The client have plans to renovate the old building without losing its traditional touch and to use it as an outhouse. He would like to have a proper connection to his father's burial with some elements which essentially creates a space evoking remembrance. He would like to have a leisure area next to the new house consisting of a badminton court and a pool if possible. The west side of the site is surrounded by residences on all sides and privacy is a concern at this space. Requirements for the design are subtle landscape which merges into the natural landscapes of Kerala, renovation of the old traditional house in front of the residence with a soothing landscape, a badminton court, small pond, connection to the final resting place of their father. 

Report Content

Project introduction

Design evolution

Landscape render plan, views

Planting concepts, sections

Planting, lighting, details