Sneha B John


Discovering the Myristica swamps

Wet Evergreen Forest 
Cullenia – Mesua – Palanquium Series 
Shendurney wildlife sanctuary 

Forests are a primeval entity which have numerous interrelated systems functioning within. The water bodies and the swamps play a major role in the survival of the forest of Shendurney wildlife sanctuary at the southern western ghats. There are various systems hidden within, which nourishes the whole forest - the most critical one being the myristica swamps. The study is focused on certain zones within the forest which act as a threshold for these swamps. And hence, acknowledges the threshold of this delicate and fragile swamp which has the most intricate relation between the flora, fauna and moisture/wetness. 

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Report Content

Recording Landscapes | Forest sketches

Forest sections | Forest Narrative

Correlating systems | Locating and Investigating forest and its systems

Correlating systems | Correlating fauna habitats

Larger Vision | Tracing the valleys of Evergreen forest | The network of water

Larger Vision | The network of swamps

Larger Vision | Identifying the types of swamps

Journey through the forest | Reds of the Evergreen forests | First order streams

Journey through the forest | Myristica swamps | Swamps degraded by plantations

Points of Pause | The threshold to the swamp