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  • Architectural Conservation : Jamalpur Shala No. 4

Pithawalla Zeus Xerxes Khurshid


Architectural Conservation : Jamalpur Shala No. 4

The site chosen is 'Jamalpur Shala No. 4'.  It is a Grade II A listed building under control of AMC School Board. In this studio, a student assumes the role of a Conservation Architect and deals with (Documentation, Site History, Stakeholder Participation, Value Identification, Condition Mapping & Assessment, Consolidation & Design), as would a professional. A major takeaway in this studio is how 'Conservation' can be bold in its approach towards design. It is not a building science stuck in the past, in only conserving heritage buildings but dwells with re-imagination & reinterpretation based on the time we live in.

Report Content

I.I Introduction

I.II History of Site

I.V Comparative Study (Plan)

I.V Comparative Study (Table listing Elements)

II.V Material Mapping


IV.I Condition Mapping

V.I & V.II Design Panel

V.V Design Drawings

V.V Design Drawings