
Faculty: Vaibhavi Thakkar Desai | Shailee Trivedi

TA: Reeya Detroja

Poetry of Light

The studio shall incorporate Fundamentals of Daylight, daylight controls, shading systems for heat and Glare Management, daylight quality and distribution. The intentions are to make students understand the importance of daylighting and the techniques of incorporating and balancing it. The study exercise of building a model and playing with light shall be given which at the end becomes an extensive study model which makes students understand daylight and its relations with interior space. The studio also incorporates History of light and light culture, biodynamic lighting and lighting effects in well-being of a human being, Artificial Lighting with study of basic design guidelines and design criteria of lighting design. The studio also includes two Interior lighting design projects where students complete the final project with specification of luminaires and also tendering. At the end of the studio, students learn the basic fundamentals of lighting design with three projects in the term, to help them understand and respect light in a better way.

Studio Unit




