Shashank Shankar


Social Learning

The design intends to achieve a correspondent model in terms of the learning process while providing a unique and fruitful experience to the students of different ages. The space syntax methods (DepthMapX, Isovists) were used to extensively analyze the iterations of the design, and understand the experience of different people using the key spaces in the school. The school has different clusters of classrooms at varying proximity from the staff room, such that the junior students are closely guided and supervised, whereas the senior students have greater autonomy over the spaces around their classes. 

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Student Activity on a regular school day

The Pedagogical intent and the key relationships between the different spaces in the school.

Using the medium of collages to further visualise the relationships between the different spaces and their users.

Case studies of two schools with different pedagogies.

Using the software to analyze the iterations in plan, and further develop the design.

Taking the journey of a person through the school to understand the fluctuation in the lines of sight through the school.



Comparing usage of two different classroom clusters at different times of the day.