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  • AD4016
  • MULTISPECIES COHABITATION : Almond Processing Facility

Jaikishore A


MULTISPECIES COHABITATION : Almond Processing Facility

The underlying idea of the final project is to instigate a system of agricultural production for humans, which in the process will also benefit the other species that are allowed to coexist in the proposed space. A processing facility for the harvested crop is thought of in a way its by-products will be completely used up either by humans or surrounding non-humans. The design philosophy seeks to promote environmental sustainability by adopting a cyclic approach to the design, where resources are efficiently utilized and waste products are minimized. 

Report Content

Feminist installation

Mapping contingencies in Kaiserbagh

Mapping contingencies in Kaiserbagh

Manifesto & locating the site

Abstraction 2: Retrofit Architecture

Abstraction 2: Retrofit Architecture

Abstraction 3: Almond Processing Facility

Abstraction 3: Circulation

Abstraction 3: Circulation

Abstraction 3: The overlap