
Faculty: Smit Vyas

TA: Aksh Chauhan

Tectonic Operations - X

The studio explored ways through which outdated buildings can become sites for creative thinking about construction processes. New programmatic parts were added to buildings of an old precinct, necessitating actions of repair, replacement or introduction of alternative parts in them. By way of this, new formal, structural & material conditions were tested against the existing ones in an attempt to find a wholesome architectural expression.
The play of building elements, systems & technologies was anchored into the work as both- a specific response to the given site and functional requirements as well as a manifestation
of personal imagination and desire which the author is free to explore.
Undertaking a small renovation project allowed students to gain knowledge of different agencies involved and explore a much wider range of design development processes. Each student, along with formulating a new schema, learned staircase details, doors & window details, flooring drawings and toilet design. Above all, students learned to see existing buildings from the point of view of structural possibilities & scope for intervention and also developed skills for identifying building language and developing grammar through the detailing out of architectural elements.

Studio Unit

Group Work- Model, Individual sections

Process Models, Exisiting site plan and final site Plan

Kusumitha- Section of water tower & amphitheathe

Murali- Plan and section of Adminstartive office, Deetishaa- Final Spread

Siddharth, Jayani - Final Spread