Patel Tanvi Manish


Terrain-Vague Bricolage

The current site has gone through a long process of recovery after the basalt quarry got shut. The site might have developed newer ecological cycle over the period of time. The Idea is to make building which amalgamate with nature to continue the current ecological cycle and helps it to grow such that as if it was recovering in past few years. By adding more green cover and preserving water in a way which strengthen the parts of stone hills which are more fragile. Till now, a building was a space made by humans to protect themselves from nature, which eventually led the building to disrupt the ecological cycle around it and would harm the nature one way or the other. So, rather than separating ourselves from nature, why can’t we understand nature first and then make space where we, the humans can go and research upon we want and preserve those parts of nature, which lasts longer by its own ecological cycle. Let’s not control humans and their activities in these reserve areas, because we’re part of the nature. But we can make modifications which are similar to functioning of the nature. 

Report Content

August 2019,Champaner

Initial thoughts



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