
Faculty: Fernando Velho

The Innate City: Re-imagining the Modern Architectural Object

Across the country, iconic modernist structures are slated for demolitions. With few historic precedents to follow, conserving modernist architecture is a highly contested territory.
Across South Asia post colonial nations leveraged the universal principles of the modernist architecture to reinvent their national identities. While the new republic embraced modernism, Ahmedabad was one of its nerve centres. Created by larger than life practitioners many of these national projects tell the story of the new nation. Yet today they stand threatened. Existing substantially in large compounded campuses disconnected from their local communities of the city others were inspired by tabula rasa conditions created by the likes of the Plan Voisan of Le Corbusier.
The studio proposes participants choose from a diverse set of modernist monuments across the city and adaptively reuse and refocus them as sites ofurban transformation to create a new civic urbanism for the post industrial age and protect their historic legacies.