Kholia Tithi Hasit


Mental Wellness Center

The Intention was to design a place which itself is an island of happiness which also constitutes of informal spaces for gathering or for self introspection, a place for the neighborhood as well as the city. So the program of a Mental Wellness Center which is the need in today’s times. The center also has recreational spaces along with a co-working space that regulates the publicness and private-ness of the mental wellness center. The design being a city level intervention it also is for the neighborhood, the 3 edges of the site are made dynamic so they become for the neighborhood, completely public. The design intervention not only sits on the site but also extends to the neighborhood.  

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Report Content

Who Am I, Going Back To the Roots

Site Analysis

Programmatic Manifesto

Mental Map, Manifestos

Design Process

Site Plan

Ground Floor and First Floor Plans

Second Floor Plan


3D Views showing Human Activities

Project Video