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  • Innovations in Construction through Nari Gandhi’s design

B Mrinalini Reddy


Innovations in Construction through Nari Gandhi’s design

In this paper, we will be examining the issue of innovative and normative practice in building construction through a discussion of the details of the Patel Residence (Surat) 1980-85, designed by Nari Gandhi. This will be done in three parts. Observations of the house were to understand their making, technologies used in their construction as on-site, and further, the peculiarities that underline the use of brick we analysed through historical evidence and resolution of details. The research hopes to join the wider discourse of the viability of utilising speculative innovative practices in construction, critical in an era of sustainability.

Report Content

Brick by Brick: Innovations in Construction through Nari Gandhi’s design (Surat,1980-85)

Floor Plans

Structural system

Argument : Comparison against Standard practice

Sectional Perspective

The Use Of Terracotta

Comparison with F.L.Wright and standard practice

Junction Of Column And Slab

Large Span Cantilevered Slab

Junction Of Column And Slab