Dasnurkar Madhura Shirish


Constructed natures; Altered stories

Climate change and human-induced environmental impacts are one of the defining challenges of the 21st Century that affect diverse lives across ecology and humanity.  Micro systems like land-water edges hold the capacity to act as links between nature and culture and  restore the landscape post a period of stress- be it floods or droughts. Yet they suffer the most from impacts of climate change and anthropogenic pressures. The proposal re imagines these edges as constructed units that restore the landscape,  strengthen socio-ecological resilience and  alter stories of scarcity and conflict within the local communities. 

Report Content

Reading the landscape

Understanding ecological systems

Understanding ecological systems

Understanding the cultural systems

Derivation of motif

Nature-culture interdependencies and its present day complexities

Adaptation to climate change- Network of ditches diverting excess water into storage zones which act as repositories for biodiversity.

Building resilience to strengthen socio-ecological balance
