Naina Maggie Cleetus


A walk through the unfinished art of Da Vinci

An exploration of sensorial design through interplay of light, porosity and reflectivity in order to create spaces with a sense of identity that pique one's interest to explore and subsequently through interaction generate an embodied memory of place and existence. One is transported through the complexity of Da Vinci's imagination at the display of his dream machines, feeling the fragility of space, and admiring his incomplete artwork.

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Design Bootcamp : Reading through the fine lines between architecture and interior design specialization.

Generating an argument

Role 1: Generating an experience within an experience.

Role 2: Representing light as an element over a standard floor plate

Role 2: Representing interplay of porosity and integration of spaces

Role 2: Criteria to achieve experience through material and tectonics and exploration through model.

Role 3: Generating a space that extends beyond itself.

Role 3: Exploration through a variation of transparency, translucency and reflectivity to generate enclosures and a defined circulation.

Role 3: Exploration of scale, movement and inside- outside relationship.

Role 3: Exploration of experience generated through the marriage of wood and acrylic and its tectonics