Mythili Susarla


Intangible Pull of Bari

This project attempts to investigate the role of intangibles in the sustenance and rejuvenation of the ecosystem at Bari ki Talab in Udaipur. ‘Intangible pull of Bari’ involves the emotional and spatial qualities of the various settings around the lake of Bari which are incentives for human users such as visitors and locals to re-visit and maintain the condition of the surrounding ecosystem. The aim of the project is to create a balance between high footfall of users in parts of a relatively undisturbed lake ecosystem, while celebrating an individual user’s experience when in different natural settings. Strategies for the whole lake involve the retention of zones with spatial qualities that provide human comfort while having a thriving ecosystem, the enhancement of zones with some anthropological damage and the modification of highly degraded stretches of vegetation taken over by Lantana camara. By distributing the footfall of visitors currently high at Badi ka Pal and Bahubali hilltop, the impact made by individuals and groups on the settings can be softened. 
This was done through: 1. Identification of current edges involving the water, flora and fauna which show changed spatial character. 2. Studying their intersection with striking view frames of ephemerals including vegetation and sun movement. 3. Identifying zones for distribution of visitor and community footfall without significant impact to the natural ecosystem. 4. Identification of the microclimates of these locations and the factors affecting them. 5. Introducing elements that magnify the intangibles that draw specific users to these spaces around the lake. 6. Controlling microclimates through planting and rejuvenation of smaller ecosystems.

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Report Content

Landing - The beginning of the journey of this study around Bari ki Talav. This involved First impression, abstract sketches, word webs and enquiry into our perception of Bari.

Grounding (Group work) - An in depth study of layers of ecology and socio-cultural aspects across various chosen areas, quadrats and transects around site.

Finding- This is a compilation of inferences and insights drawn from all the information gathered through the primary site study or grounding.

Founding: The analysis and deeper understanding of specific problems to be addressed at site. Choosing of areas to retain, enhance and modify across the lake. Analysis of existing site conditions at selected site.

Masterplan of demonstration site for design intervention.

Section through the sunset viewframe axis defining the public movement through the project

Sections from littoral edge to the rocky outcrops at ridge.

Visualization of Zone A

Visualization of Zone B

Visualization of Zone C