
Faculty: Rajendra Mistry | Nandita Mehrotra

TA: Drashti Patel


Flat packundefinedReady-to-assemble furniture is a necessity nowadays. Reduction in the volume of FurnitureundefinedProducts can promote easy transportation, the flexibility of shifting, cost-effectiveness, etc. Brands like Ikea, Takt, Hay, Hem, etc are promoting this philosophy. The connotation of poor-quality materials and a lack of durability in flat-pack designs can now be forgotten.

During the semester, students will focus on designing furniture for residenceundefinedoffice spaces with innovative ways of making furniture flat pack. The studio would intend to reduce the volume of the furnitureundefinedproduct in its packed form through techniques like part-part assembly, Inflatingundefineddeflating, folding, etc, and exploring the possible details. The studio will parallelly focus on developing innovative details and having an intuitive assembly of the furniture for the end user. The course will conclude with a full scale working prototype along with an assembly manual which will be a hands-on experience for the students.

Studio Unit

Description of Studio - FD4016 - 4'x8'