Devanshi Piyush Patel


Interpretation center

concept of the space developed from standing lateral walls supported by the modules  made of metal truss where each module individually functions as interpretation space for architectural elements, metal, clay, ceramics excavated elements etc on different levels which allows the view towards the excavated site clearly. floating roof allowing the air circulation and a lateral free standing wall of 1 meter thick protection the longer facade of the built form from direct sun light from south  direction.

Report Content

sectional model showing roof details and the metal truss module which incorporates the function of auditorium

sectional model showing the inserted modules of metal truss which are used as seperate modules for interpretation center for clay, metal, architectural elements etc.

2nd level plan showing modules with clay and architectural displays for interpretation center accessed by ramp from ground floor running towards upper floor.

3rd level plan accesed through ramp from ground floor and modules incorporating functions of auditorium and metal excavated displays for interpretation center.

final summary of the project with process models on top, sectional wall detail, final layout in plan and section

final summary of project showing axonometric view of all levels and left side showing process models and matrix sketches used for developing the entire project.

interior detailing of the tagboard and the display elements along with track lights from roof .

longer section howing vertical connections between all levels. longer floating roof with castelleted metal truss having water chaneel covered with corrugated metal sheet roof.

sectional model

sectional model