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  • SOCIAL WITH DISTANCING: Relooking at Food court design

Aakanksha Nitin Batra


SOCIAL WITH DISTANCING: Relooking at Food court design

Redesigning the Ahmedabad One mall food court in a post pandemic situation. The layout was re-thought of using a cell-based strategy with each cell having nine neighbors to interact with. Designing the seating arrangement where increasing distance between people was the main criteria and table surfaces to reduce the contact surface area for transmission of the virus were looked at. Digital design process through Rhino and Grasshopper to generate iterations, analyzed by evolutionary computational software, Wallacei.
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Experiment 1: Pseudocode

Experiment 1: Pseudocode

Experiment 1: Analysis

Experiment 2

Experiment 3: Pseudocode

Experiment 3: Analysis and further development

Conclusion and further development

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